Public-private cooperation future-proof and responsible dairy sector

The Sustainable Dairy Chain has a Public-Private cooperation Toekomstbestendige en Verantwoorde Zuivelsector [Future-proof and responsible dairy sector]. This is focused on integrally meeting the sustainability objectives 2030 of the Sustainable Dairy Chain.

The Public-Private cooperation supports the Sustainable Dairy Chain in the development and unlocking of integral sustainability measures, change and business models, by means of three living labs concerning the themes longevity, protein from own land and herb-rich grassland, and with the annual Sectorrapportage [Sector report] with respect to the sustainability objectives.

Former public-private cooperation initiatives of the Sustainable Dairy Chain have, among other things, developed knowledge on important themes: grazing (Amazing Grazing 2.0), mineral efficiency (KringloopWijzer [Animal Nutrient Cycling Assessment]), biodiversity and change management.

Topsector Agri & Food
The public-private cooperation Toekomstbestendige en Verantwoorde Zuivelsector [Future-proof and responsible dairy sector] is part of the Topsector Agri & Food. The Topsector Agri & Food is one of the nine top sectors in which the Netherlands globally excel. Industry, universities, research centres, governments and social organisation are working together on knowledge development and innovation, internationalisation, human capital and on reducing the regulatory pressure to make this position even stronger.

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