Seven themes with sector objectives for 2030

In the Sustainable Dairy Chain association (LTO Nederland – the Dutch Federation of Agriculture and Horticulture, NMV – the trade union of the Dutch dairy farmers, NAJK – the Dutch Agricultural Young People’s Association, dairy companies united in the NZO – Dutch Dairy Association) sector objectives for 2030 have been formulated around seven themes together with social organisations, governments and other parties that often work with the dairy sector.

A detailed description of the objectives of the Sustainable Dairy Chain can be found in the brochure Duurzaamheidsdoelen Zuivelsector 2030.

In the document Doelen Duurzame Zuivelketen 2030 the themes, objectives, indicators and the scope are shown in tables.

The Factsheet nieuwe doelen quickly provides insight into the objectives for the year 2030.

Click the themes given below to read more about the objectives, results, working methods, activities and related topics.